Director of UTeach Outreach
Chris is the Director of UTeach Outreach. He directs a variety of initiatives focused on broadening participation of students who pursue and succeed in STEM-focused college majors and careers.
Before joining UTeach Outreach, Chris worked in program expansion and curriculum development at the UTeach Institute. Chris has prior experience teaching mathematics at both the secondary and collegiate level, and he also taught for the nationally recognized UTeach STEM teacher preparation program at UT Austin.
Much of his work centers around encouraging students to explore intersections between STEM-based passions and their social and cultural identities. Other professional interests include community outreach, service- and experiential-learning, preservice teacher preparation, PBI/IBL, assessment, and creating authentic and accessible learning opportunities for all students in STEM.
Chris earned his B.S. and M.Ed. in Mathematics through the College of Science and Engineering at Texas State University.